Tag Archives: κατοικία

Δόμος, πόλις ϗ αγορά ―αρχιτεκτονική, πολιτική ϗ οικονομική VI: Ο νόμος του τοίχου (α)

haec nostrae sunt oblectamenta potentiae, imperii decora facies, testimonium praeconiale regnorum: haec legatis sub ammiratione monstrantur et prima fronte talis dominus esse creditur, quale eius habitaculum comprobatur. et ideo magna voluptas est prudentissimae mentis pulcherrima iugiter habitatione gaudere et inter publicas curas animum fessum reficere

Δόμος, πόλις ϗ αγορά ―αρχιτεκτονική, πολιτική ϗ οικονομική III: Ο κτιστός χώρος ως μέθοδος κατανόησης του κοινωνικού βίου. Ο τόπος ως χωρική αξία. Το αγγλικό σπίτι.

Neither of us, however, could say whether our lived experiences on that occasion were identical. […] Nevertheless, during the flight of the bird you&I have “grown older together”; our experiences have been simultaneous. Perhaps, while I was following the bird’s flight I noticed out of